If You can dream it, you can do it – Walt Disney
You would like to unleash your full performance in Races, Grand-Prix and Tournaments?
Step-in to anchor your print in your dicipline.
Start setting accents in your sport!
Make a difference and join this increadable expierience!
Discover and develop your full potential for you, your team, your association.
Talentwerk Packages
Join your talent workout group sessions (with max. 10 talents) and form yourself in a 90 min weekly intensive training
Join your talent workout group sessions (with max. 10 talents) and form yourself in a 90 min weekly intensive training sequences
+ monthly coaching sessions
+ your Web-Profile
Join your talent workout group sessions (with max. 10 talents) and form yourself in a 90 min weekly intensive training sequences
+ weekly coaching sessions
+ your Web-Profile
Benefit of six full day coaching and training sessions.
Support your needs in all points of athlete development, nutrition, prevention & health of you and your body.
Focussing on how to train more effective , regenerate more optimized and how to bounce back even more strong after crashes and injuries.
We will be out on your training and/or race days analyse, develop and adoptierte your ultimate performance plan.
+ Join your talent workout group sessions (with max. 10 talents) and form yourself in a 24 h intensive training sequences.

For more than 20 years I am passionate about athlete coaching.
Focussing on how to train more effective , regenerate more optimized and how to bounce back even more strong after crashes and injuries.
Grap your chance and benefit by securing a world class excellence on postoperative regeneration and traumata treatment.
Using proven methods on facia therapy, american chiropractic as well of traditional chinese and eastern medicine. I support you as certified therapist and personal coach to unleash your full potential.
challenge yourself
Enter to this increadable opportunity for you, your team and your association.
# Explore your ultimate performance…
# Resolve your pain if you got any…
# Eliminate your bottlenecks…

Team - Talentwerk
Ronny Showman
Name : Ronny Schumann
Birth : 31.10.1983
City : Frankfurt
Bike : Alta Motors MXR (electric)
Sport : FMX
Fav. Music: Hed p.e.

Name : Tim Eppelmann
Birth : 30.07.2007
City : Frankfurt
Sport : FMX / Supercross / Hardenduro

Mike Pfister
Name : Mike Pfister
Birth : 03.07.1989
Bike: Yamaha 450 Z
City : Zürich
Sport : FMX

Name : Max Eppelmann
Birth : 12.01.2012
City : Frankfurt
Sport : Supercross / Hardenduro

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